Youth Centre Jesenice

We are a small youth centre that offers young people an active and creative spending of their free time in different fields. One of our most important aims is to stimulate and universally support individuals or groups at realizing their ideas and projects. We encourage socializing, emphasize tolerance and acknowledge and respect those who are different. Our rooms and equipment enable a fun and daily socializing of young people, creativity, different theme events, computer education etc. For those interested in going abroad we offer individual international projects and provide information on youth programs, which encourage international exchanges, initiatives and voluntary services.


Youth centre Jesenice
- Mladinski center Jesenice
Kejžarjeva 22
4270 Jesenice


Our goals

The main goal of Jesenice Youth Centre is to ensure informal socialisation and involve young people from the local area in prevention, educational, cultural and social activities, volunteer work, spare-time activities, etc. We also promote all kinds of youth initiatives.

Our youth centre aims to help young people and provide favourable conditions for the socialisation process as well as the process of creative spending of spare time.

  • Socialisation process
    The goal is to help young people satisfy their needs, typical of their age; the need for socialising with their peers (’hanging out with their friends’), the need for independence, the need to succeed and reach one’s goals, the need for a sense of belonging, the need for support and a positive self-image, the need for acceptance and respect in society.
  • Creative spending of spare time
    Spare time plays an important role in the life of youth as it enables regeneration of one’s physical and mental abilities. It allows them to be more successful in coping with problems and conflicts. By providing appropriate facilities, good organisation, information and counselling service, and a wide variety of youth activities in the form of workshops, courses, lectures, social games, parties, debates, social meetings, concerts and exhibitions, we ensure quality conditions for youngsters to spend their time actively.

The goals of Jesenice Youth Centre are participation of young people, their social integration, active citizenship, multicultural learning as well as a better understanding of the role and position of youth in society.

We are active in the following fields:

  • creative spare-time activities
  • informing and counselling
  • prevention (counselling and other activities)
  • informal education
  • volunteer work
  • international projects
  • youth mobility

Target population

  • children, students and young people under 30 years of age
  • parents, teachers and educators
  • experts in different fields of youth work
  • the young and old who like working with children and youth
  • all who are young at heart

Values we hold dear

  • friendship, co-operation, openness
  • creativity, originality, persistence, knowledge, positive attitude to life
  • tolerance, adaptability, equality, respect for human rights
  • constructive communication and good relations
  • a sense of belonging, responsibility


  • gathering and offering information about any area of interest and counselling for youth
  • paying attention to what interests young people in relation to their needs (their need to spend their spare time actively, their need for informal education, the need for active participation in social events, etc.)
  • supporting youth initiatives
  • informing young people about opportunities for active participation in youth work
  • offering learning opportunities in the field of youth work
  • helping young people gain access to the desired field of work
  • informing youth about possibilities of active participation in international programs and youth exchanges,
  • organising and carrying out activities for children and youth (workshops, courses, social games, sports, dance, music and other activities of interest for young people)
  • organising and carrying out informal education for youth
  • organising different preventive programs in the field of drug prevention for the needs of young people of different ages as well as all others who are interested
  • offering all-round help to young artists in realising their ideas
  • providing spatial, organisational and technical support to youth organisations or individuals active in the field of youth work
  • organising a spread-out network of events for children and youth in the areas outside the town of Jesenice (in the local communities of Jesenice Municipality)
  • cooperating with schools, organisations, associations, clubs and individuals working in the field of youth work in the local area
  • coordinating activities and events for the young organised by other institutions, organisations, associations and individuals
  • cooperating with similar centres and associations in Slovenia
  • connecting and cooperating with institutions and organisations in the same or similar field of work on a local or national level (Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth, MISSS- Youth Information and Counselling Centre of Slovenia, National Agency MLADINA, MOVIT, Slovenian philanthropy, Youth Council of Slovenia)
  • promoting and organising contacts with appropriate organisations and associations from abroad, mostly European countries
  • informing the local community and the wider public of the needs of youth and of the activities of Jesenice Youth Centre